The battle of power rangers versus super sentai is a long and vicious one, with fans on both sides refusing to back down. It is also one that i will neither support nor tolerate, so please keep flames, cussing and pointless "mine is better then yours" comments off here. 'K, thanks. I will not go so far, however as to completely remove myself from it, though as a fan of both series, my position is a little less solid and a little more of an example of an indesicive carpet dance, because on one hand...
...I'm American. Like it or not, my nationality has influence on my preference. Power Rangers was written, for the most part, by Americans, for Americans, and as much as I enjoy some sentai, some things get lost in cultural translation. For example, what is up with the recurring stereotype of female rangers who can't cook but want to get married as a life goal? It bothers me, a fact that can, in fact, be atributted to culture. But on the other hand...
...Does culture really make a difference? If something's well written, it's well written. I love Hurricaneger, which was very japanese-culture heavy, and my favorite scene of all sentai I've seen was when Isshuu gave Nanami a living, breathing cow to impress her. I was laughing for two days solid, because that was hilarious in either language. Yet...
...I like the stories and characters of power rangers more then sentai. I haven't watched all seasons of sentai, but that's because a) I'm a multi-tasker and lack the patience to read subtitles, but mostly b) The stories and characters don't interest me. Even with a lot of the bad seasons of power rangers, the premise at least sounds interesting. But then there's...
...The Dork Age. And Wild Force. And Turbo. These six seasons were bad, and three (Turbo, PROO, and PRJF,) sucked so much ass that I don't have words to describe the horror they induce in me. These seasons were bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, and are a clear smack to anyone who claims Power Rangers is always better, The sentai counterparts to these seasons aren't to my taste, but they were good. Still...
...You see how it goes. I like and enjoy both, for diffrent reasons. Still, if i have to choose one, it would be power rangers. I was raised on this show, (my sister had me watching in utero and made sure i was educated about previous seasons) and as much as I enjoy sentai, a lot of its not to my personal taste. I do however respect both, and ask that you do too.
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