I hate Valentines Day. I don't know if its because I'm single or if it's just stupid. Either way, I did not want to to a top 3 romances for this unblessed occasion for 2 reasons: 1) See first sentence and 2) They're done to death. Instead, I'm going to do a list that is more original and more in line with my feelings. I proudly present my list of the top 3 of missed kiss moments.
Honerable Mention: Nick/Maddie in 'Mystic Fate, part 2'.
Andros and Ashley at the end of 'Countdown to Destruction, part 2'. Specifically, when Andros appears on the Megaship after saying goodbye. Sure, Ashleys reaction is touching, as is his confession that his home is with the rangers. Still, the lack of kiss feels weird. I mean, Andros is leaving his home and most of his family for Ashley, and she can't spare a little lip action? If I was her (or him) the kissing would have come before anything else.
Summer and Dillion in 'Belly Of the Beast'. This was a serious face palm moment on behalf of the writers, as we have not one, but two missed kisses in the space of a minute. Trapped in a burning Venjix factory, Summer and Dillion almost lock lips, only to be doused by water from the Whale Zord. They attempted to celebrate their new lease on life with anther kiss, only to be interrupted again, this time by Gem and Gemma, who are completely unaware of what they burst in on. Really, writers, really?
Was there ever any doubt? Wes and Jens heartbreaking separation in 'The End of Time, part 3' had me in tears the first time I watched it, and I was seven. It is, in my opinion, one of the best-written scenes in the entire series. I can still recall the feeling of loss as the two time-crossed lovers separated, thinking I'd never seen anything sadder in my life. I also remember thinking "Why aren't they kissing?" (Reminder: seven.) When small children start wondering why there is no kiss, you know someone dropped ball.
The Power Rangers writers love to tease us with flirting and almost-there-but-then-something-happened moments, and its annoying. I can only hope that the writers of samurai have figured out, through MMPR, that audiences like romances and like seeing the two we all to get together actually get together. If not, at least I'll have new material for next years list.
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